It all began with Harry.
His legacy of public service and contributions for the common good lives on through the work of the Merlo Foundation and its partners.
Harry A. Merlo’s life would become legendary, but his story is as much about the path to success as it is about ultimate accomplishment.
Growing up in a Stirling City, California boarding house operated by his mother, many obstacles stood in the path of a logging-town boy helping his Italian immigrant mother carve a living from serving mill workers. The values instilled in Harry by his mother, Cotilde Merlo, set in motion the life of a boy who would grow into a hugely successful businessman, steward of the land, philanthropist, sportsman and friend of many. She empowered her son to wear his well-earned cloak of accomplishments with grace and confidence. To know Harry was to respect him. To observe him was to be fascinated with his energy. To work with him was to admire his vision. To understand Harry was to love him.
Harry A. Merlo achieved an array of credits throughout his lifetime. He served as chairman, president and chief executive of a Fortune 500 company and was named Forbes Magazine Executive of the Year. He was also a distinguished philanthropist and recipient of numerous and exceptional awards recognizing his financial generosity and leadership support of many organizations. Harry’s work ethic and commitment to philanthropy is rooted in his early years growing up in a town where Italian workers and residents were relegated to the least attractive opportunities. When reminiscing about the mentors in his life, one mill boss stood out. Harry describes this mill boss as treating his mother with dignity, “He didn’t reference her poor Italian ethnicity. He called her Mrs. Merlo. That was dignity and you respond to that kind of respect.”
Harry’s lifelong commitment to the dignity of people, their right to live and work in clean, safe environments, to participate in the successes their hard work garnered and to express opinions all reflected Harry’s experience with the wrong side of bigotry. Respect for the dignity of all people was a trademark of Harry’s career and life, and remains a cornerstone of the Merlo Foundation.
Harry’s love of life and his respect for the lives of others, constant optimism, and his conviction that he could positively touch the lives of others led to the creation of the Harry A. Merlo Foundation.
Through Harry’s personal philanthropy, the Merlo Foundation has vastly improved the lives of all people by fostering, nurturing, and educating those lacking life opportunities. Programs for homeless street youth to fellowships for international interns define the scope of the Merlo Foundation’s philanthropic work. A combination of Harry’s attention, interest and financial generosity has lifted many institutions out of obscurity and on the pathway to success.
Today, the Harry A. Merlo Foundation Board of Trustees works to continue Harry’s legacy through community partnerships and financial investments to organizations that reflect Harry’s commitment to Animal Welfare, Arts, Conservation, Education, Health & Human Services, and Scientific & Medical Research/Care.