Our grant cycle.
We make decisions at each Board of Trustee meeting. Grant funds are distributed once a year in December. learn more below.
Grant Applications
NOTE: Grant Applications currently not being accepted
Application Due Date
For Board Meeting held on:
2025 Board Meeting Schedule TBD
Additional Information
All grant applications must be submitted by 5:00pm Pacific time on the deadline date to be considered at the next Board meeting.
Please note: Grant applications may only be submitted after an invitation by the Director of Grants and Community Partnerships. Prospective and current applicants may contact Hillary Harrah, hillary.harrah@merlofoundation.org after reviewing eligibility on the website and determining alignment, to confirm an invitation to submit a grant application.
Click to access the fillable, PDF forms: grant application and grant report.
NOTE: These forms, when accessed by clicking on the link, will pop up in a new window. There are multiple ways to access, download and complete the form depending on your browser:
In the new window, download the form using the browser’s File menu or save the form with a new name using the web browser’s File menu. After saving the form with a new name, complete the form, resave it and email back to Hillary Harrah. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL INFORMATION AS A SINGLE PDF
When the form initially appears, click the inkpot button (shown below circled in red) if it appears and the form should pop open in Adobe Acrobat. Save the form with a new name, complete it, resave it and email it back to Hillary Harrah. PLEASE SUMBIT ALL INFORMATION /ATTACHMENTS AS A SINGLE PDF